March 26, 2025

Sprint Enduro… Elevated!

AMA chartered & SANCTIONED

Rules / Race Format


Sprint Enduro is one of the simplest forms of motorcycle racing. The object is to go as fast as you can, minimizing your mistakes. You are racing the clock – this is not bar to bar racing. Fastest Time Wins!

Keeping to the original fundamentals of the Sprint Enduro Racing, US Sprint Enduro follows a 2-day race format for both youth and adults.

The 2025 US Sprint Enduro Championship will consist of 7 Rounds

Each Round consists of 2-days of racing * both days are points paying

The Last Round of the US Sprint Enduro Series will be DOUBLE POINTS

Racers must race at least 5 Rounds to qualify for Championship Points.

There will be 2 days dropped except for Pro 1 and Pro 2

Each event’s overall results will be from a combination of both days of racing for that round. The rider with the lowest time to have completed the most test will be the winner.

Amateur and Pro Awards will be given to the Top-5 in each class.

We will award the Top Amatuer at each round in 2025.

We will be tracking adult overall points throughout the season and award a Series Overall Champion at the end of the year as well as awarding the overall Top-3 at each round.

Pro Podiums following racing on Day 2 are for Top 3 in class – awards for 4th and 5th are available at the trailer.

There will be two racecourses designed for you… A Cross Test and an Enduro Test. A normal day can be described like this:

Riders will line up based on their number/class starting on the Cross Test. You will complete 1 lap on the Cross Test and return to your pit. You should have about 20 minutes before you line up for the Enduro Test, however, the times will vary so always check at the trailer for the estimated times. You will then start the Enduro Test for 1 lap. You will repeat the steps above.

  1. US Sprint Enduro races will feature at least two special tests with racers making multiple attempts on each test and the total, cumulative time being used for race results. i.e., the fastest rider wins. There will be no “drops” of test times, all test scores count. 
  2. Number of Tests: Racers will get to ride at least 6 tests per-day, unless weather or another unforeseen circumstance delays the program. If necessary due to inclement weather, the Pro and A riders may run more tests than B/C riders if conditions do not allow less skilled riders to complete the course.

Racers may to see up to 8 tests per day – this will be announced in the riders meeting.

  1. Race Order: Youth/Micro Classes are scheduled to start at 8am. The big bike portion of the event is scheduled at 11am.


  1. Starting Order: Classes will be ordered for each special test going from what we anticipate to be fastest to slowest. For the Youth race, we’ll start with Supermini and work back. For the Adult race, the Pro classes will start first, and C classes will start last.
    • For the first test, Men’s and Women’s Pro classes will start based off of Series points with the 1st place rider starting first. All remaining tests for the Pro and Women’s Pro classes will start based off of that day’s overall class results. The start order for the 2nd day of racing will be determined by the previous day’s overall class results.
    • For the first test all amateur classes will start based off a random computer-generated order. After the first test all amateur classes will start based off of that days overall class results. The start for the second day of racing will be determined by the previous days overall results.
  2. Start Procedure: Riders will take off for each test one-at-a-time, in 10, 15, 20, or 30-second intervals (as determined by race organizers due to racing conditions); engines will be live and bike in gear. A race official will motion for you to pull up to the starting line and you will watch the digital countdown display at the start. When the countdown clock reaches one, you must begin the test.
    • No rolling starts allowed.
    • Riders must wait a minimum of five-seconds after the rider in front of them before starting. Riders starting before five-seconds or failing to start within the allotted start time interval will be penalized 10 seconds.
    • The first rider in each class will be allowed to wait four times the countdown cycle before starting. This is to allow for less chance of a faster rider catching a slower rider from the previous class.
  3. The pre-staging area before the start shoot is a dead engine zone. It is imperative that riders keep their bikes off in this area as to allow staging officials to easily call riders into staging when riders are re-seeded after the first two tests based off of overall results.
  4. Be courteous in the staging area! Riders who are caught jumping line or starting out of order will be given a warning, if there is a second offense the rider will be given a 1-minute penalty, a 3rd offense will result in a disqualification from that day’s event.


  1. US Sprint Enduro uses MotoTally transponders. Transponders can be purchased at the registration trailer for $10 these transponders should not need replaced, unless you lose it or get a new helmet.
  2. Riders must be in staging no later than 5-minutes before their class is to take off. An estimated time schedule will be discussed each morning at the mandatory rider’s meeting.
  3. A rider will be considered “late” to a test if they arrive to staging more than 1-minute after the last rider in their class has started the special test. A 1-minute penalty can be assessed for being late, with an additional penalty for the total amount of time that passes before the late racer starts the test.
  4. A rider that cannot complete a test in a sixty-minute timeframe will be considered as not finishing a test and will receive NO Score for that test.
  5. You have entered a race – You should maintain forward movement, there should be no stopping for an extended period of time unless you have a machine malfunction, or you are injured.


  1. The Cross Test will be primarily grass track marked with wooden stakes, ribbon and arrows on the course. In some cases, there will be small sections of woods, or motocross track as part of the cross test.
    • The cross test race course is the space between the wooden stakes and ribbon, riders should respect those boundaries and race in between them. Riders caught purposefully riding through ribbon, or over stakes to gain a time advantage will be given one warning, a second offense will result in a 30-second penalty, 3rd offense will be a 1-minute penalty, and 4th offense will result in a disqualification from that day’s event.
    • The cross test will sometimes use a natural barrier such as the edge of a forest as one edge of the track, these sections may not have ribbon. Riders can treat this area as part of the racecourse but must not bypass any part of the track or break through any ribbon or stakes in the process.
  2. The Enduro Test or Woods Test will be a primarily wooded racecourse with a combination of well-defined trail, fire roads, single track trail, and some grass track that will be marked with arrows and ribbon. Portions of the trail that are well-defined may not be ribboned on both sides, but riders must remain within 5-feet of the established trail. On sections of the trail that are ribboned on both sides riders must remain inside the ribbon.
    • Sprint Enduro racing is not a hare scramble or traditional enduro, there is no 25-foot rule, etc. if you are racing within the ribbons – you must stay within the ribbon. If there is no ribbon in a section – just arrows, then the 25-foot rule would be in effect.
    • You must remain on the established trail for the entirety of the event unless in the case of a bottle neck or downed rider where you may go around and re-enter the racecourse as quickly as possible.
    • Riders caught by a course official blatantly cutting the course will be given an immediate penalty of at least 1-minute. Hot lines and shortcuts will not be tolerated.

We understand that mistakes happen, and riders will end up off course due to a crash, miscalculation of trail or course, etc. If you get off course, go through ribbon, blow a turn, etc. you must return to the track as close to the point you left as is safely possible. Riders who go off course cannot make up any time advantage or tear down ribbon or stakes to return to the course. A 30 second penalty can be assessed Under NO Circumstances should you go backwards on the course!

We follow AMA rules as well as our supplemental rules PLEASE READ

IMPORTANT: All US Sprint Enduro events charge a Gate Fee. This Gate Fee is Required by all who enter as well as a signature is required on the Gate Entry Release Waiver Form. You will then receive a Wristband that is REQUIRED to be WORN and is good for the entire weekend. If for some reason you enter the event location after gate hours – you MUST return to the gate or go the registration trailer to purchase your Gate Entry Wristband. You WILL NOT be able to register to race or “check-in” if you do not have on the GATE ENTRY WRISTBAND. *If a racer or a member of his/her crew has been discovered that they did not pay and sign the release form at the gate, that racer will receive an automatic disqualification.

Pre- Registration is available online through MotoTally – pre-registration closes on Thursday at Midnight before race weekend. Even if you pre-register you must bring your helmet and AMA card to “CHECK-IN” it is there that we will issue you a number and check your transponder.

Registration At the Track: The registration trailer will be open from 4 – 7 pm on Friday (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE EVENT FLYER) and at 7am on race days. Bring your helmet to sign up as well as your AMA card. All racers will need to sign a release/waiver and check in.

Pro Riders Payout: Pro Riders must fill out a W9 form and have a US Sprint Enduro decal on their front number plate.

Minors: Must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and have a completed youth release/waiver – completed by both parents or they may present their AMA Annual Release Card. A youth waiver is available at registration and must be filled out by both parents or legal guardian if minor does not have an Annual Card. If sole-custody, please select and sign.
Transponders: We will be using Moto-Tally transponders. If you need one, they are $10 and can be purchased at registration. (These are good for the entire series)
Previewing the course: You are permitted to “WALK” the course or “Ride Your Bicycle” – Pedal Assist are acceptable however bicycles with throttles are NOT permitted. At no time should you be on the course on a motorcycle/pit bike or atv. Always be aware of our volunteers/workers on the course as well as if the course is LIVE. Previewing the course under normal conditions will be available Friday at 3pm.
Riders Meeting: There will be a riders meeting at the starting area of each race start. Engines must be off during the riders meeting. *It is your responsibility to attend.
Announcements: We usually have a radio station available for our racers and participants so they can keep track of an announcements – it should be posted at the registration trailer.
Start Procedures: “Live Engine”

SCORING AREA – The scoring area is off-limits – if you have an issue please go to the registration trailer for your concerns.

  • There is to be NO PIT RIDING – No SXS/ATV’s/PitBikes without prior approval if needed for medical reasons.

  • The rider must assume all responsibilities for his or her actions as well as the actions of their crew during the event. They are also participating at their own risk. It is your responsibility to inspect the track/course before you race. Medical insurance is the sole responsibility of the competitor. The facility, those that are promoting and organizing this event as well as all volunteers are not liable for any injuries or damages.
  • All riders must wear a DOT-approved helmet, shatter proof eye protection, long sleeve shirt, full length protective pants and shin-high boots. This is for the rider’s safety–anything less, unless approved by the race referee, the rider will not be able to compete. (Open Faced Helmets are Not Permitted)
  • It is the rider’s responsibility to make sure that their bike is in safe condition. There should be no sharp edges or parts protruding in any way that may cause harm to them or another rider. Your bike should have a working kill switch.
  • Safety is an important consideration in racing; common sense is a governing factor.
    Reckless Riding, No rider may ride in such a manner as to endanger life or limb of other riders, officials or the public. Riders will be penalized for the reckless operation of their machine, including but not limited to the deliberate ramming, blocking or intentional contact with another rider, or for running into an official.
  • Riders may not carry gasoline anywhere except inside the machine’s fuel tank. Aftermarket fuel tanks are permitted; Auxiliary/Extension fuel tanks are not permitted.
  • All machines must have silencers, sound level cannot exceed 98 dB/A.
  • No horns, bells or other sound devices are permitted on machines.
  • All machines must have a working kill switch.
  • Studded tires are prohibited.
  • When approaching a slower rider let them know you are there so they can move over and let you pass. Do not expect them to move over right away. Always pass with caution.
  • If you see an injured rider, see if you can help. Report it to the closest course marshal.
  • If you break down on the course, try to get yourself and the motorcycle off of the course thus avoiding any problems with other riders.
  • If you miss a turn or feel that you are lost, look behind you before stopping and turning around. Other riders may have missed the turn also and might be coming at you. Never ride backwards on the course. Follow track/course marker arrows – stay within the ribbon. If a rider leaves the course for any reason they must re-enter where they left the course.
  • The rider is responsible for the actions of their pit crew.
  • There are no spectators allowed on the track.
  • All pets are to be on a leash and absolutely not on the track.
  • Wristbands are to worn at all times and may be checked at registration.
  • Marking, cutting, tampering with or otherwise changing the course in any manner is strictly prohibited. Course modifications may only be made by an official.
  • No one, except officials and riders officially entered in the race, may ride on the racecourse at any time during the event.
  • Radios are not permitted with or between riders.
  • You must ride the same bike for all tests on day one. Day two you can change bikes as long as it qualifies to be in the same class you originally entered, or you will need to register for another class.
  • You must finish on the same bike you started on that day.
  • Once results have been posted at the scoring trailer you will have 30 minutes to file a protest.
  • There are no Refunds
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